If you aren't able to come to the office, or prefer not to meet face to face, I am able to hold counselling sessions via Zoom, Whatsapp, phone, or over Skype.
Appointments can be held by pre-arrangement, during the following times: Monday 8am to 5pm, Wednesday 9.30am to 8pm and Thursday 9.30pm to 8pm. Each session lasts 60 minutes.
The service is arranged by email.
Send an email via the contact form below. Please include your name, the time you wish me to call, or if you wish to call me, and whether you require Zoom, Whatsapp, telephone or Skype contact.
I suggest you include an outline of your problem or the subject matter you wish to share with me.
Once you have submitted the form, you will then receive an email reply accepting your requested time or offering you an alternative time for your appointment. Once your appointment time has been scheduled, I will be in touch with my bank details for payment.
PRICE: £50 per session, paid in advance
Please note: this service cannot be accessed from a withheld phone number. You must be over 18 and the bill payer or have their permission to use this service.